In Episode 117, we discuss Vicki’s fire service journey including her time at the IAFC where she worked to get First Net off the ground, what she is doing now, and the role of technology in the fire service.
Episode 116: Dr. Donnie Hutchinson | Finding Balance
Is finding balance possible? You bet it is. We first need to decide for ourselves what is balance? In episode 116, Dr. Donnie works to inspire and encourage you to begin taking action to find your balance of passions. He pulls from past episodes of how others have found balance. These first responders include Andy Starnes, Reginald Freeman, Frank Leeb, …
Episode 115: Life Scan Learning Lab Edition | Chief Otto Drozd – NFPA Executive Secretary, Metro Fire Chiefs
In Episode 115, Chief Todd LeDuc and I discuss Chief Drozd’s fire service journey, his new role as the NFPA liaison for the Metro Chiefs Section, and his utilization of Life Scan Wellness at Seminole County, FL Fire Department, and more.
Episode 114: Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell | U.S. Fire Administrator
In Ep. 114 of “The Get Balanced Podcast,” host Dr. Donnie Hutchinson is speaking with Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell, our U.S. Fire Administrator. This episode is filled with outstanding advice and stories from one of the most influential and kindest leaders in the fire service. Listen as she discusses in-depth the immediate need for proactive “resiliency” training for our Gen Z …
Episode 113: Life Scan Learning Lab Edition | Fire Chief Keith Johnson Loudon County, VA
We discuss Chief Johnson’s fire career journey along with what are the latest advancements at Loudon County, VA Combined Fire-Rescue system. The conversation continues with discussing his term as President of the Virginia Chiefs Association, behavioral health priorities, and work-life balance.
Episode 112: Dr. & Fire Chief Reginald Freeman | Servant Leader – Loving Husband & Father
This is 100% an Instant Classic! Listen as Dr. & Oakland Fire Chief Reginald Freeman begins with a story about how he leads by example by prioritizing his family. He extends his vulnerabilities by opening up and sharing his work-life balance stories. He discusses in-depth his upbringing, family, faith, and his servant leadership style. If you know Chief Freeman, you …
Episode 111: Life Scan Learning Lab Edition | Fire Chief David Povlitz Arlington, VA
We discuss the Chief’s fire service career and journey including his current effort leading the Arlington County, VA Fire Dept. We get into technology, leadership, and his department’s utilization of Life Scan for their early detection.
Episode 110: Dr. Donnie Hutchinson | What if I Began to…
What if you aligned your actions with your priorities in life? What if you don’t? Will there be ramifications? Good or bad? In episode 110, Dr. Donnie works to inspire and encourage you to begin taking action on your priorities in life. Oftentimes, these priorities have something to do with health & wellness and close family relationships.
Episode 109: Life Scan Learning Lab Edition | Deputy Chief Shawn Downs DC Fire & EMS
He fell in love with firefighting at the age of 16. Listen as we chat with Deputy Chief Sean Downs about his career journey including his progression at DC Fire & EMS, the regional approach of the Metro Washington Council of Government, his Life Scan Wellness Centers physical experience with Chief Donnelly, and his family.
Episode 108: Dr. Donnie Hutchinson | Stress Relief through Positive Spillover
In episode 108 Dr. Donnie teaches about situational stress awareness and how we can mitigate much of our preventable stress. Listen and learn how positive spillover is a viable answer to many of our preventable stressors. Reduce our stressors and our work-life balance improves.