Speaking Programs
Health & Wellness Officers...
Here's the good news
There’s a simple explanation for what’s going on. Your department is not alone. There’s nothing wrong with them. Their decision to put their health and family on the back burner (often unconsciously) is simply trying to solve a problem with the wrong tool.

Whether it’s an audience of 10 or 200, Dr. Donnie will deliver a transformative work-life balance experience. The 3-minute video gives you an overview of the program.
Dr. Donnie's proven 3-step plan:
Learning Objective #1:
Understand Current Reality
Participants will discover and document how their work-life imbalance has been affecting them, their spouse, children and team members at work.
Learning Objective #2
Create a Desired Future
Participants will discover and document their Desired Future - The goals and dreams they have for their personal self-care and their relationships at home and at work.
Learning Objective #3
Build a Transformation Plan
Participants will build, implement, and execute a personalized work-life balance plan. They will put details and action steps down on paper and leave the class with a tactical 30-day plan.
Workshops and Keynote Programs
Workshop: Work-Life Balance Transformation changes lives by teaching the participants how to align their day-to-day behaviors with their priorities in life. Participants create a tactical project plan to take home and begin implementing.
Keynote: Self-Care and Wellness: The Path to Work-Life Balance. Participants learn the oath they took to serve and protect their communities must include themselves and their families. They learn taking good care of their physical and mental health is the path to work-life balance.
Keynote: Success at Work and Home busts the myth and starts to tear down the old belief that you need to choose between work and home. The research says the better we manage our self-care, the more effective we are at work and home.

Testimonials from
First Responders and Health Officers

What First Responders are Saying:

What Health Officers and Captains are Saying:
"I learned a lot and I believe the others did today as well. I want to thank you for dedication to the fire service. I feel I’m on a better and quicker path to a healthier life with your teachings. I’m recommending we hire you for our Health Camp; Wellness Conference!"
Bill Mastroianni
Director of Operations
Ohio Association of Professional Fire Fighters