3-2-1: Watch Out! Tis the Season for Imbalance – Time to Flip the Script!

3-2-1 Get Balanced Wednesday

by Dr. Donnie

“Helping you align your daily behaviors with your priorities in life.”


3-2-1 Watch Out! Tis the Season for Imbalance – Time to Flip the Script!

Read on DONNIEHUTCHINSON.COM | December 5, 2023


3 Thoughts from me, 2 Quotes from others, and 1 Call-to-Action Question to help you reflect on your work-life balance and well-being habits this week.

3 Ideas from Me


I don’t know about you, but I really enjoyed Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday. Maybe a little too much, LOL.  I think I consumed more during this time than in the previous two weeks.

As I stepped on the scale a few days later, my morning, which had started off bright and cheery, turned into lightning and thunder.


I wondered how I could have gained that much weight in five days. Obviously, something must be wrong with the scale. I, of course, did what every problem solver would do. I put fresh batteries in the scale. Unfortunately, the numbers got worse.

Going out of balance during the holidays is quite common when we fail to be intentional with our planning and efforts. Whether overeating and drinking, exercising too little, or sleeping less, many of our holiday behaviors can take a toll on our balance.    


The good news is we can “Watch Out” by recognizing and adjusting our daily behaviors. Embracing the holidays with proactive planning can produce excellent results. This type of planning may include scheduling physical exercise, mindfulness activities, and a food, beverage, and hydration plan during all the parties.

When we proactively decide to “Watch out” for Tis the Season to be Imbalanced, we flip our normal script upside down. When we do this, we will experience a beautiful season of balance & well-being.


2 Quotes from Others


“I like to encourage people to realize that any action is good action if it’s proactive and there is positive intent behind it.”

 Michael J. Fox, American Actor



 “You have a choice in life. You can either live on purpose, according to a plan you’ve set. Or you can live by accident, reacting to the demands of others. The first approach is proactive; the second reactive.”

  • Michael Hyatt, American Author


1 Call-to-Action Question for You

I believe you want to flip the script and be a proactive planner during this holiday season.  With that in mind, what are your proactive thoughts and behaviors you want to implement?


 Dr. Donnie’s Answer:  

With two college girls coming home for their Christmas break, it provides me with several opportunities to exercise more. I love joining them on a run or in the gym. Not only do I generally exercise more, I also get to spend time with them.

As for overeating and drinking, the additional exercise I’ll be doing will require an uptick in hydration. Therefore, drinking a lot of water throughout the days and evenings will help mitigate overindulgence with food and other beverages.


 Email: [email protected]


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Until next week, may God bless you, your family and may the Glory be to God.

– Dr. Donnie Hutchinson


The format and style of this newsletter were inspired and highly influenced by James Clear 3-2-1 Newsletter. The content is strictly Dr. Donnie’s.