3-2-1:  Something is Everything

3-2-1 Get Balanced Wednesday

by Dr. Donnie

“Encouraging you to align your daily behaviors

with your priorities in life.”

3-2-1:  Something is Everything


| September 4, 2024


3 Ideas from me, 2 Quotes from others, and 1 Question to help you reflect on your work-life wellness and balance habits this week.


3 Ideas from Me



I sometimes fail to get this weekly newsletter out via email on Wednesday in the United States. I’ve been doing a pretty good job at being consistent for well over a year with a Wednesday release. However, I’m a little bummed because I wanted to be perfectly consistent.


Sometimes, things don’t always go as planned. I plan to get these newsletters released on Wednesday evenings in the U.S.; however, it doesn’t always happen. I apologize for the delays.



If I were to start beating myself up with negative thoughts, doubt, and other critical words, I could become subject to the All or Nothing Culture. This culture says we must be perfect, “All in,” and when we fail, we quit. We see this often with diets, exercise routines, and other activities.


Fortunately, I do not follow the All or Nothing Culture. I follow my advice that Something is Everything. We have healthy habits and routines that are good for us, our families, coworkers, and departments. When we subscribe to the Something is Everything Culture, we don’t stop when we hit a road block or a setback.




We push forward, knowing that when we do Something, we continue the habit. This is a critical piece to understand and accept. For example, when you don’t feel like going to the gym to exercise, doing Something is Everything because it continues the habit.


I keep this concept close to my heart. I accept the setbacks and look for ways to do Something. Often, I am surprised that my setbacks are often a set-up for Something great. By the way, I just made a wonderful realization as I close out this letter. Although this newsletter might arrive on Thursday in your time zone every once in awhile, sometimes it is still Wednesday evening in Baker Island, USA.😊


Something is Everything!


2   Quotes from Others



“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”


 ~ Arthur Ashe, Professional Tennis Player



” Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead.”


– Philippians 3:13



1 Question for You


If you have experienced the All or Nothing culture, what action could you take so you could experience the Something is Everything culture? I encourage you to give it a try.


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I would love to hear your answer and if you find this newsletter helpful and encouraging. Email: [email protected]


Until next week, may God bless you, your family and may the Glory be to God.


– Dr. Donnie Hutchinson









The format and style of this newsletter were inspired and highly influenced by James Clear 3-2-1 Newsletter. The content is strictly Dr. Donnie’s.